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Who's Your Coach?

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Maty Mariko  | WowForward Unlimited
Maty Mariko  | WowForward Unlimited

I support Bipoc women who feel alone in their responsibility,

lifting the weight off their shoulders. Together we build a future liberated from the chains of their past without compromising their true selves!

Maty Mariko
Career Coach
Clinical Hypnotherapist

Trained in RTT by
Marisa Peer 

RTT CL.HYP_Logo  | FREE Ebook | Maty Mariko  | WowForward Unlimited
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Hey, I’m Maty.

My mission today is to help you make your own rule,
love and appreciate yourself,  reclaim your life,
regain satisfaction.

​Free Yourself From Stress & Anxiety

Live Your Purpose

3 Steps To Success

1 -Understand what has been holding you back

2 -Define what you want 

3 -Change your relationship with yourself & others.

Reframe what's available to you

About RTT

What is RTT?

Rapid Transformational Therapy RTT is a revolutionary, cutting-edge method of treatment
developed by Marisa Peer, famous for her 30 years of experience working as a therapist with top athletes, celebrities and royalties.
It combines NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, and Regression Therapy.

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My Approach

My approach combines Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and life coaching.  
With this method, we work together on your subconscious mind.
I provide you with the tools and techniques to change your limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones. 
For once, you are the master of your mind, and you choose your own beliefs. 
With coaching, we work together on your conscious mind.

We set new goals and strategies to move you forward.

You design and create the life you desire.  
Your transformation is rapid and permanent.

Make the past a distance memory
Rewrite your story!


  • Why don't I ever feel good enough?
    Being compared to someone else makes us believe that we are not enough. Beliefs are just reoccurring thoughts. It is easy and natural to assume that you weren't enough if you keep hearing that you are too much this or not enough that. The more you tell yourself something, the more you hear something about yourself, the more likely it will become a belief. It stays in your mind like an imprint and becomes how you see yourself.
  • Why do I have this need to please everyone?
    Let's say that a part of you believes the more perfect you are, the more people will need you. The more people need you, the more they want you around. The more you are wanted, the less likely you will be rejected.
  • Why do I feel like I don't belong?
    You believe that you are different, and therefore you feel like you don't belong. Here's a secret, human's biggest fear is to be different. So, your fear is something you have in common with the rest of humanity. What you think about yourself impacts the way people perceive you. Stop telling yourself that you are different. Remember that as human, we first perceive the world and then see it, but you are the one telling others how to perceive you. Stop telling the world who you fear to be and start telling the world who you are.
  • How does it work?
    I use the combined power of Rapid Transformational Therapy and coaching to reprogram and upgrade your beliefs for good. Over 4 weeks, you’ll get one Rapid Transformational Therapy experience to rewire your subconscious, three 15min. coaching sessions to follow up on integrating the new beliefs, and weekly tools to help you support your new successful path. We do all of the work TOGETHER and we do it LIVE. You’ll get real-time, heart-centered support and guidance to activate a deep sense of worth and abundance that will change your life forever.
  • What can you help me with?
    I'm offering you a Solution, a fast-track ticket to changing your relationship with yourself and others. -I help you overcome past traumas and whatever has been holding you back - Gain clarity -Reduce stress, anxiety and this feeling that it's all too much -Define yourself as an accomplished individual regardless your responsibility (mother, father, wife, husband, CEO, manager, director) -To stop being called too nice, a people pleaser -Put yourself first -Voice your opinion, desires and needs -Find yourself back or simply finding yourself -Sleep better -Change your thought patterns -Grow resilience -Relax and eliminate tensions in your body The transformative solution will help you open that door to living the life you deserve. It’s time to believe in yourself and create the reality you deserve. Put yourself first for a change, and invest in what matters the most, yourself. The only question left is how committed are you?
  • What Makes This Therapy So Unique?
    We work on one specific issue at a time. We go to the subconscious mind, find the root cause and eradicate the problem. We then work on creating new habits aligned with your objectives. It creates that needed shift/ transformation in an average of 3 sessions of 1h30. Results are fast, effective, and permanent. With this method, you learn how the brain works. You receive support and concrete tools to change and better your life. It is no longer about investing time and money for years. It is no longer about dwelling on the past. It is about re-coding, rewiring, freeing your mind, and transforming your life.
  • What do you mean by working on the subconscious mind?
    I help you eradicate limiting beliefs, change your belief system and create new neuropathways. You will learn to use your mind to your advantage. You will realize life doesn’t happen to you but for you, so you can move forward and get what you want in life. I am a Burnout Recovery Coach and Purpose Mentor, Clinical Hypnotherapist, certified by the Rapid Transformational Therapy school founded by Marisa Peer.
  • You said you use hypnosis. Are you gonna make me bark or turn me into a chicken?
    No, and I insist: the answer is NO. When you see people get hypnotized on TV, it’s a SHOW; none of it is real. The idea of getting stuck or doing anything against your will is a myth. If hypnosis practitioners could force their clients to do anything against their will, we would all be billionaires Hypnosis is a natural state. The way I practice hypnosis is very different than common hypnotherapy. Here you choose the suggestions in your session; it is all about yourself and your desires. You are the one in charge throughout the entire process; I’m just a guide, guiding you through self-hypnosis and self-reflection exercises.
  • Is hypnosis dangerous? Isn't it evil?
    No! It’s not! It is 100% natural, and it is simply science! It is about accessing the subconscious mind by creating a burst of brain waves similar to the ones you experience before you fall asleep.
  • What does it feel like to be hypnotized?
    The experience differs from one person to another. Some people feel a relaxing floating sensation; some do not. Others may feel sleepy or drift into light sleep again. Some do not. Most people feel relaxed and at ease. Regardless of what it feels like – It’s working.
  • I don’t think hypnosis can work on me because I am always in control.
    You manage to fall asleep every night, don’t you? Hypnosis is merely a door to suggestibility. Don’t focus on the word. It is just about relaxation and being more receptive to suggestions. It’s a bit like seeing over and over again an ad for Mc Donald. After a certain number of times, you will crave that burger. The only difference is that those suggestions will come directly from YOU during our sessions and not at you. And indeed, you are in control the entire time. You can move, you can express yourself, blow your nose. Even if you lost your internet connection in the middle of the session, it wouldn’t affect the result. Don’t focus on how deep you go. Just relax!
  • I don’t need hypnosis to know what my problem is. I already know. I have tried therapy, and hypnotherapy, it doesn’t work. How’s your method different?"
    Yes, you do know the reason. Your subconscious mind always knows the exact reason behind everything and will guide you throughout this entire process. Many people are surprised by the memories emerging. What makes The Transformative Solution so powerful is that it allows you to change its impact on you. You will get to see in detail what you need and will finally be able to change the belief associated with the event and change them.
  • What if I go back to a painful moment or a scary one?
    You will not be reliving a moment of your past but simply reviewing a memory as you would watch a movie. You will be just fine. I will be there to support you and guide you through it all. You will be safe and in your environment.
  • When will I start to see changes?
    We all experience change differently. You might have the sensation of shift right in the session. It might come to you gradually, one day at a time Or one day you might realize that what you used to think, believe, no longer is. You know with conviction that your behavior is entirely different from what it used to be.
  • How Does It Work Online? How Do I Benefit From It?
    Imagine having your therapy in the comfort of your home. Feeling safe and not having to think of the commute. You're free to book your session at the time that suits you best, whether it is in the evening when the kids are in bed or early morning during weekends.
  • What Do I Need To Start?
    Here's what you need: ​ Every session, including the free consultation, will take place online, so you need a device to download: Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet, whether it's from a laptop, a PC, a tablet, or a smartphone. ​ You also need to book a free consultation. We get to meet online and see if we are a good fit to work together. You get to ask me all the questions you might still have at this point. ​ Very important, you need a strong desire to change your life and to be fully committed to the process of change.
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